Your prayers are appreciated

This is Cliff Bell, Bob Bell’s son. This last week I spent a few days with Dad in Seymour. I ask that you please keep Dad and our family in your prayers over the next few days / weeks.

While I was with him, Dad asked me to write up and submit his request to go “inactive” with Globe International and to express his profound thanks to all those who have supported him and prayed for him over the years. That was a big deal for him as Dad has been with Globe International since its inception. Our family was sent by Liberty Church as missionaries to Mexico in 1973 prior to the founding of Globe. For many years Dad ministered with churches in central Mexico, then established a new base in Del Rio, TX from where he ministered to the Five Springs (Cinco Manantiales) area in Coahuila.

Most of you know that Dad has dealt with health issues over the last 25 years. By God’s grace Dad has always gotten back up and continued serving. When the doctors discovered Dad had metastasized stage-four prostate cancer they told him he would live only three to six months. That was six and a half years ago! We are so grateful for the additional time the Lord has given us!

All this time Dad has continued to minister and serve any way possible, whether teaching a Bible class at the local church, providing Bibles to ministries in Mexico or Pakistan, praying for people at the doctor’s office, or simply praying for others… lots of prayer… This week when the hospice chaplain came to visit him, Dad ministered to him.

After the initial cancer diagnosis, the doctors started an experimental treatment and the cancer went into remission. However, that treatment lost its effectiveness a year ago. The deterioration of Dad’s overall condition has accelerated this last month.

Dad’s mind is sharp as a tack, his spirit remains strong, but his body is now very weak. He can can no longer get up on his own, and is barely eating. Just last week Dad finally decided to go on hospice care. That has actually been a blessing because the hospice nurses have been able to provide solutions to make him more comfortable. Yet, short of divine intervention (which I am not ruling out), Dad’s body is shutting down, and he will soon be joining Mom, and will see the Savior face to Face. Oh, what a reunion that will be!

Will you join me in prayer? I am praying:

  1. For God’s Presence to be tangible and perceptible by both Dad and those who are with him.
  2. For God’s Presence, where there is fulness of joy, to drive and keep out all darkness.
  3. For the peace of God to rule Dad’s heart and mind.
  4. For deliverance from pain and grace for the process he is facing.
  5. For God’s will to be done, and in His perfect way and time.

Any responses to this post or the WordPress site are now coming to me, but I will gladly pass on messages of encouragement to Dad. Thank you so much.

When Dad is awake he likes to listen to Scripture or worship music. One of his favorite songs is “I Will Wait for You” (Psalm 130), sung by Keith & Kristyn Getty. I will leave you the link here so you can listen to it as well.

May God bless you.

Cliff Bell

Help Bob by spreading the word!

16 thoughts on “Your prayers are appreciated

  1. Our love and prayers our with you all
    We give Glory to God for having the opportunity years ago to meet and become friends with Bro Bob and Madeline Bell.
    We praise Him for what you have taught us
    Love in Christ Walter and Beverly Pope

  2. Hello

    of course i will be praying and thinking about all that’s going on!
    Many are the afflictions of the righteous
    But the Lord delivers them out of them all

    May abundance grace peace salvation come into fruition

    in ecclesiasties
    there’s a time for everything

    i’m thankful for a man of God standing up and i know wherever you are there will be opportunities to speak up and speak out

    Great is the faithfulness of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ

    • Thank you for your prayers and friendship, Kimberly!
      Yes, the Lord is faithful. His grace is ever-present in all we go through.
      I am grateful for a father who models faith, integrity, service and love.
      Blessings to you and your family.

  3. I will be praying with you all as you seek for the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit in this time. I am grateful for Bob’s lifetime of missionary service.
    In Christ love;
    Jim and Mary Mather

    • Thank you so much, Dana, both you and the wonderful ladies at Unified Coast Prayer.
      Dad made it through Christmas, but has weakened considerably. They have upped his pain meds and oxygen to help him be more comfortable and breathe more easily. He is not eating and now can barely talk. I keep thinking of Dottie Rambo’s song lyrics,
      “This house of flesh is but a prison
      Bars of bone hold my soul
      But the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open
      When the angel sets my spirit free
      I’ll take my flight like a mighty eagle…”

      Soon the eagle will take flight, free to serve as has always been his heart’s desire as he enters his new eternal ministry with Jesus.

      Love you all,

  4. Thank you all for sharing Bob with us here in Seymour as his final call. He has blessed all whom he came in contact- ministering to others to the very end. Our prayers now go out to those he has left behind to carry on forward. I can hear his voice saying “Amen!”

    • Dear Jeanne, thank you for your note. I have had some difficulty with the page or I would have replied sooner. Thank you also for your amazing help with Dad’s celebration of life service. My family and I are so grateful to you and to all the wonderful people at First Methodist Church in Seymour.
      Cliff Bell

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