Greetings in Jesus’ Name. This is Cliff, Bob Bell’s son. I apologize for the delay in posting this, but I have had some difficulty with the website.
As you are probably aware, several years ago Dad was diagnosed with stage four cancer already metastasized into his bones. At that time the doctors told him he had between three to six months to live, and he moved in with my sister Sheryl and her family in Seymour, Texas. But God!
After arriving in Seymour, Dad was accepted into a study with an experimental cancer treatment which proved effective, and the Lord graciously gave us several more years. Throughout that time, despite his physical limitations, Dad continued to minister as he was able: teaching a Bible class at First Methodist Church in Seymour, counseling pastors from Mexico who would call on him, providing Bibles for ministries in Mexico, and praying daily for a long list of people.

Towards the end of 2021 and entering 2022, the treatment began to lose its effectiveness, and in the last months of 2022 Dad’s health began to quickly decline. In November 2022, my sister Kathy (KB) took leave from her job to provide the constant care he needed. By mid-December the reluctant decision was made to request hospice care. I was with my sisters and Dad for his final days.
Early in the morning of December 31st, while the song “Because He Lives” was playing softly in the background Dad made his entrance into God’s Presence, and was reunited with the love of his life, Madeline. I led a celebration of life service for Dad, on January 6th, 2023 in Seymour, Texas. We were honored to have special guests, David and Debi Kerr representing Globe International and also Dr. Sam Richardson, a dear family friend to share that time with us.

Towards the start of his ministry in Mexico, God told Dad not to start a new church, but to strengthen those which were already there. Dad did precisely that by offering evangelistic campaigns using films of the life of Christ, Bible school training on video, Bibles and Christian literature to churches that needed it; arranging and supervising roof construction projects for churches through Christ For the Nations roofing program; offering a listening ear and godly wisdom to pastors who needed encouragement or counsel, and so much more. While you won’t find a church network that calls Bob Bell their founder, many existing churches and networks are stronger and more effective today because of Dad’s obedience.
If you asked Dad what was his five-fold ministry (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher according to Ephesians 4:11), he would reply, “I have the gift of service.” Dad would see a need, begin a ministry to fulfill that need, then raise up someone else to take it over before starting something new.
When Dad’s health no longer allowed him to travel into Mexico, he started serving as a chaplain in the hospital and the federal prison. Dad wrote the following in his journal in May 2016 after he was allowed to minister to cell block H-5, where the most violent or severe offenders were held:
May 23, 2016 “Today was my first day in H-5. There was in this place an absence of any joy – the feeling there must be a small taste of the hopelessness and despair of hell itself. May God grant me the wisdom and discernment to tear down the fortress of hell. I am in this place for a reason, and God does not call anyone to fail. ”
I remember Dad telling me of how God’s love broke through the hate and fears of these hardened criminals. One man in particular, a “matón” (cartel assassin), would fly into a curse-word-laden tirade when Dad came by to visit. Dad would simply answer that God loved him. But after several visits, something changed, as the man realized that Dad would not write him off, the hardened shell broke off. A conversation ensued, the man received Christ as his Savior.
Dad left a legacy of faith, service, and integrity. I personally know many churches which were strengthened through his ministry. Yet those are but a small fraction of the full impact. Dad didn’t spend much time talking about what he had done; he just kept serving. One day we’ll get to hear the full story!
Dad fought the good fight and finished well. There must have been quite a celebration as Dad entered Glory! I can only imagine!

For those who desire to do something to honor Dad’s life…
Before he left us, Dad expressed a desire that, rather than flowers, people could send a donation in his honor to one of two orphanages run by ministries with whom he worked, knew, and trusted implicitly in northern Mexico. Both orphanages are doing a wonderful work. We know anything sent to them will be wisely and well spent to help the children in need. In fact, it was Dad’s hope that some people might feel led to give to one of these ministries on a regular basis. Here is information on both.
He Cares Ministries, founded by Dr. Elio and Darea Rivera, operates multiple outreaches including an orphanage in Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico. Their “casa hogar” works with the Mexican social services (DIF) and care for anywhere between one to two dozen children coming out of crisis situations until they are re-located. Whether the children spend just weeks, months or longer at the casa hogar, while they are there, they experience safety, healing, delicious food, clothes, education, and the precious seed of the Gospel planted in their hearts.
To donate to this ministry, make out your check to “He Cares Ministries” being sure to write “orphanage” in the memo portion of your check, and mail to:
He Cares Ministries
315 Meandering Way
Del Rio, TX 78840
Hands and Feet ministry runs an orphanage in Piedras Negras, Coahuila and also does an outstanding job. Dad has worked with Pastor Miguel de León for many years. This orphanage called “House of Mercy” works with children of all ages. To donate to this ministry, make any checks out to “Hands and Feet AC, Inc.” and mail to:
Hands and Feet AC, Inc
PO BOX 1168
Eagle Pass, TX 78853
Thank you and may God bless you abundantly,
Cliff Bell