Dear Family,
Isaiah 54:10 “For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, Nor will My covenant of peace be shaken,” Says the LORD who has compassion on you.” (AMP)
It has been my privilege and joy to walk in the lovingkindness, peace and compassion of my Lord through many trials. I can testify that they are infinite and unfailing.
Last July when my daughter, Sheryl, took me from Del Rio and had me admitted into the Shannon Clinic in San Angel
o, Texas I was very close to joining the celestial choir.
Shannon is a large and well equipped hospital complex. I went through many procedures and treatments during the ten days I was there. They found several problems. The most pressing was metastasized stage four prostate cancer.
After release from the hospital I relocated to Seymour, Texas and am living with my daughter and family. By the grace of God the illness is responding to the treatments I receive at Texas Oncology in Wichita Falls. As I regain strength it has been possible to begin to do the work of the ministry, though on a limited scale for the time being.
Since the end of August God has allowed me to place several hundred Bibles in Mexican churches, a migrant camp outreach in Cd Acuña and a church on this side of the Rio Grande.
As of this writing Bibles are on their way to two community centers in Cd. Acuña run by the Comunidad Cristiana Mana Church. One in the red light area. They minister to all who come, giving out the Word of God, Bibles as well as blankets, coats, school supplies, and other practical needs as the Lord provides. On the weekends they offer hot meals and a ride to church. Later on this year they will go on a missions outreach to Zacualtipan de Angeles, Hidalgo with more of the Bibles.
My most grateful and profound thanks to all of you for your prayers and generous help. God in his grace blesses me through you. Thank you.
May you continue to walk in the fullness of God’s manifold blessings.
In The Savior’s Name
Bob Bell
Dear Bob, thank you so much for this update! So excited about the reports on your healing and also the ministry you are able to accomplish during this season of your life. We know from being in ministry together with you that your heart and life are with the sweet people in Mexico or in this country from Mexico. Father placed that mantle upon you years ago and you have been so faithful!! We rejoice with you for all who have come into the Kingdom through your ministry. May the Lord continue to heal, bless and encourage you as you walk in obedience to His perfect plans and will for your life. We love you brother! Charley & Karen
Thank you Bob for all you do for the Lord! Your a true inspiration to us all!
God is faithful. Reflecting on the life of Brother Bob Bell strengthens that conviction.